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New Admin Features for Teams

New Admin Features for Teams

What are the new admin features for teams?

More features, more efficiency! With team licenses, manage your company profile, team members, and more. Now on top of that,  because in Mobilo we always want to improve our users’ experience, we have added more functionalities to make the admins' lives easier. Let´s break them down together.

Groups made easier

Now you can create groups within your team with just a couple of clicks. 

  1. Go to, click on “Team” and then on “+ Create group”
create group

  1. Give your group a name and click on “Continue”

group name

  1. Click on your newly created group. To add members, set up a group admin, rename or delete the group you will find a menu icon next to the search bar. 

Pro tip: Some of our customers use the groups feature to divide their employees by departments, locations, and even subsidiary brands of their company. 

Powered up Super Admins

The "Members" tab in your admin panel has the option to add more admins or delete accounts. This is done just by clicking on the menu icon next to the search bar. 

all employees

You will be able to add or remove administrators with a simple click. This is what you’ll see. 

super admins

If you have employees leaving your company, now you can delete their user and access to your organization. Once you click on delete accounts this window will pop up. 

delete accounts

Select the box next to the account or accounts you want to delete and then click on the red “Delete” button at the bottom right of the screen, as seen above. 

If you have any questions or need help with these features feel free to contact us via We are always happy to help!

Why have paper business cards if they can’t do this? 

Happy networking! 

See also

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