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My card shows different contact information than what's in my profile

My card shows different contact information than what's in my profile

If you're tapping your card or scanning your QR code and the details that get displayed are different from the ones you added to your profile, there may be a couple of things we can try:

1. Make sure you are logged into the app using the email address that you used when you submitted your card to be designed.

2. If there's a specific link missing (like a social media link) please go to your profile in the mobile app and make sure you add the full link to your profile and save the changes. Please remember that the social media handle alone won't be recognized, so you need to add the full link that starts with https://

3. If you tried all of the above, and your information is still now showing up or is not the one you want to share, please go to, click on the "Team" tab, then click on "Company Profile" and make sure to turn off all of the toggles in the Override section.

If you don't see a Team tab on the web app, you may not be the admin of your team, and therefore, you need to reach out to an admin to make those changes for you.

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